Undoing the Mind Spell.
Undoing the Mind Spell.
Natural Law, the Constitution and the Sovereign People Rule.
Did you know that the real true law, (natural Divine Common Law) belongs to you and us and all? That is, “we the people”, when we are aligned with natural Divine principles.
If the people in the government are committing crimes and not serving “we the people”, as required by our Common Law Constitutional Oaths of Office, then they have no lawful authority whatsoever.
Did you know that the so-called law that the so-called governments and Parliament make isn’t actually law at all? These are known as commercial maritime statute legislations, guideline rules, regulations, acts and directives, ... What’s more, our M.P.’s, Ministers and Political Parties aren’t actually representing “we the people” but bankers, corporations and think tanks instead.
A true law should be there to protect us all from harm and must be in-line with Common Law principles.
Something that is called a law, that would actually cause us harm if we were to stand under and follow it, cannot be a law at all. Therefore – it would be null and void.
Did you know that all living beings on this planet have un-a-lien-able (God given) rights and freedoms including First Nation indigenous people, nomadic people and minority groups? The problem is, is that most people do not realise, know and use this fact and truth in law.
Possibly all the nations of this world are ultimately run by a cabal of bankers, corporations, think tank lobbyists and secret societies with glo-bal agendas.
Our life grants us all free will. However it appears that our Creator does not want us to go around causing harm. If we do, according to Natural Law, we will accrue karma. However, with karma, we can hopefully and eventually learn the errors of our ways. With our Natural and Common Law Constitution there are moral principles or guidelines. These can be expressed as follows. We are all free to live our lives freely whilst behaving responsibly, peacefully, honestly and honourably by causing no intentional harm and treating others respectfully in the way we would like to be treated ourselves. No one should be above the rule of natural Divine Common Law and all should be treated fairly and equally under it.
Un-a-lien-able (God given) Rights Versus
Corporate State Privileges - (Human Rights)
Some of the other well known and important principles of our lawful unalienable rights and freedoms are;
no one should be detained, fined or penalised unless they have a lawful conviction by a proper Common Law Jury;
there should be no cruel, unusual or unnatural punishments;
the right to life and to be aware of and respect the rights of all others;
the right to free thinking, freedom of expression and to make our own decisions;
the right to free movement, association & assembly without bias discrimination;
the rights to hold our public servants, … to account.
the right to be trusted, respected and be recognised as innocent unless proven guilty;
the right to go about and maintain our lawful business unhindered;
the right to free and swift justice and to make private prosecutions;
the right to remain silent, so that we are not forced to be a witness against ourselves and also, the right to appeal;
the right to privacy;
the right to peace and rest;
the right to freedom and transparency of information that does not disrespect the lawful privacy of others;
the right to self defence and that of others;
the right to lawful protection and representation;
the right to abundance, a pure natural healthy environment and to enjoy our lives freely;
the rights to clean, healthy, safe and adequate sustenance, clothing, medicine and shelter;
the consensual rights to marry and have a family;
there should be no taxation without proper representation;
usury and other unethical business is actually unlawful:
The Common Law way of bringing people to justice if they’ve caused us a serious harm is through Trial by Jury. A properly convened Common Law Jury also has democratic administrative powers in our nation and our local communities. The jury has the lawful duty and authority to annul any statute that is not in line with natural Divine Common Law principle.
Statute breaches are not necessarily crimes.
It is a crime for anybody, including Police Constables, to detain, question and arrest anyone if there is not enough grounds of suspicion and evidence that a real crime has been committed. Anyone doing so can be made personally liable and prosecuted.